










        3)具有與研究方向相關(guān)的專(zhuān)業(yè)學(xué)科背景,能夠獨立從事科研工作,具有較強的科研和創(chuàng )新能力、較好的表達和溝通能力。

        4)全國博士后管理委員會(huì )開(kāi)放了一定比例的“同站同學(xué)科”和在職博士后招收名額,有留臺做博士后意向的本臺博士畢業(yè)生,請聯(lián)系人事教育處咨詢(xún)。






        ① 填寫(xiě)《中國科學(xué)院紫金山天文臺博士后研究崗位申請表》 (外國人提交《Purple Mountain Astronomical Observatory Application Form for Postdoctoral Position》);

        ② 博士后研究計劃;

        ③ 博士學(xué)位證書(shū)復印件或相關(guān)證明(應屆畢業(yè)生需提供相關(guān)證明,國外獲得博士學(xué)位的留學(xué)人員,需提交由我國駐外使(領(lǐng))館出具的留學(xué)證明和教育部的博士學(xué)位認定證明);



        以上紙質(zhì)材料郵寄至:江蘇省南京市棲霞區元化路8號中國科學(xué)院紫金山天文臺2號樓402室人事教育處 金璐收,電子版發(fā)送至郵箱jinlu@pmo.ac.cn。




        聯(lián)系人:金 璐






        2、Purple Mountain Observatory Application Form for Postdoctoral Position

      Recruitment Announcement for post-doctoral positions in Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2018 

        The Purple Mountain Observatory (PMO) is located in Nanjing, Jiangsu,  is a directly affiliated institute under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). The predecessor of PMO is Institute of Astronomy, a division of National Academia Sinica, which was established in February 1928. Founded in May 1950, PMO is the first modern astronomical institute in China, also known as "the Cradle of Modern Astronomy in China". 

        During the period of the 13th 5-year program, PMO aims to make impactful breakthroughs in the following four directions, namely, a) the dark matter particle detection satellite, b) the construction of the Chinese south-pole observatory, c) the space debris monitoring and research system, and d) the construction of the space-based Advanced Solar Observatory (ASO-S).  We also emphasize the graduate research training programs on the following five fields, namely, a) high-energy astrophysics, solar physics, and space-based astronomical technology, b) star formation in the universe and terahertz technology, c) orbital dynamics and detection methods of artificial celestial bodies, d) planet science, astronomical ephemerides, and deep-space exploration, and e) observational cosmology and galaxy formation. 

        The center for Post-Doctoral Studies of astronomy at PMO are now recruiting post-doctors from both domestic and abroad in 2018. There are two types of post-doctoral researching positions, i.e., "general post-doctor” and  “Chang Yu-Che Fellow”. The "Chang Yu-Che Fellow ” program purpose to induce and train up senior post doctors, the remuneration of which will be in agreement with currently guidelines of 180,000-200,000 RMB per year (before tax), and the fellows will be selected preferentially when applying tenure job at PMO. Young talents who would like to dedicate themselves into astronomy as a career are cordially welcome. 

        Post-Doctoral Recruitment Information 

        Application requirements and processes 

        Qualifications for Applicants: 

        The applicant shall meet the following criteria: 

        A) Holding a PhD degree or being a PhD Candidate, and generally being under 35 years of age;   

        B) Being excellent in both character and learning, being good health and having good team spirit. 

        c) Having a background in the related application area, having the capacity to conduct independent research, having stronger abilities of science research and innovation, and excellent oral communication skills are also essential.  

        D) National Post-Doctor Regulatory Commission has opened up a certain proportion for “the same discipline and the same research station” applicants and part-time post-doctor applicants,  PhD graduates from PMO who would like to stay for a post-doctor research shall contact the Human Resources and Education Office of PMO. 

         Treatments and appointment period: 

        A) During the post-doctor period, the salary and benefits are carried out in accordance with the relevant state policies and PMO’s regulations of post-doctor positions.  

        B) Postdoctoral researchers are, in principle, required to be full-time, with a period of 2 years. 

         How to apply: 

        A) Interested applicants shall send the following electric materials entitled “Applicant name – Apply for postdoctoral position- co-advisor name” to jinlu@pmo.ac.cn, with a copy to their co-advisors as well. Required application documents include: 

        ① Fill in the "Purple Mountain Astronomical Observatory Application Form for Postdoctoral Position"form (Foreigners fill in the english version); 

        ② A research plan for post-doctoral period; 

        ③ Copy of PhD certificate or the relevant certificates (PhD candidates should provide the relevant certificates, overseas students who got their degree abroad need to submit a certificate for studying abroad from the Chinese Embassies and a certification of doctoral degree from the Ministry of Education of China);  

         Scan copy of ID card; 

         Other documents that represent the ability and academic aptitude of the applicant. 

        The above documents should be mailed to Ms. Lu Jin, Human Resources and Education Office, Room 402, Building 2, Purple Mountain Observatory, No. 8 Yuanhua Road, Qixia District, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, and sent an electronic version to jinlu@pmo.ac.cn.        

        B) Qualified applicants for application will be informed by phone or email. Accepted or not, the application materials will not be returned to the applicants.  

        C) Recruitment will continue until all positions are filled. 

        Contact information:  

          Ms. Lu Jin 

          Tel: +86-025-83332087(office), +86-13913887483(cell) 

          Email: jinlu@pmo.ac.cn 

          Mail Address: Human Resources and Education Office, Room 402, Building 2, Purple Mountain Observatory, No. 8 Yuanhua Road, Qixia District, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China. 

           Zip Code: 210034 



        2、Purple Mountain Observatory Application Form for Postdoctoral Position

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